Nettwork Critical SmartNA-X / XL 是一款高性能的模組式網路流量複製器(NPB),兼具網路流量分流器(Network TAP),與旁路交換器(Bypass Switch)的特性。
客戶可以依照需求與預算,調整所需模組數量與種類,並隨著客戶網路流量成長,添加模組數量,是一款成本從低至中階的入門NPB,頗受客戶好評。針對具備TSN(Time Sensitive Network)網路特性的客戶環境,藉由SNA-XL V-Line模組低於1μs延遲的特性,可以佈署在交易網路上,TAP網路設備或交易主機、策略主機進出口之封包,對監控設備延遲有莫大的幫助。
屬於Layer 2-4的網路流量複製器(NPB)的功能方面,可以根據封包的MAC、IP、TCP/UDP、TCP Flag、VLAN、Protocol Number、ICMP type/code做為流量複製與過濾分流與流量負載平衡條件,將是當過濾後的封包,在輸出給流量分析工具,以提升分析工具的效能與延長使用時間。搭配PacketPro模組,可以在流量輸出前,更進階的方式處理封包,如packet slicing(封包縮減)、Data Masking(封包遮罩)與Header Strip去封裝表頭等。
屬於Layer 2-4的網路流分流器(TAPB)的功能方面,不管是電介面抑或是光纖介面,皆有斷電Bypass旁路功能,使得串接在網路線上的架構更加安全。而從網路線上複製的流量,比Switch mirror而來的流量,多了能夠看到代表硬體故障錯誤封包的能力,如FCS error等。
屬於旁路交換器(Bypass Swtich)的網路斷線防護功能方面,支援inline架構工具如IPS、WAF、SSL、DDoS、QoS,使用主動Heartbeat偵測其健康狀態,當發生斷電或當機時,自動切入旁路bypass狀態,並於恢復時自動切回inline狀態。
在操作介面方面,SmartNA-X / XL搭載Network Critical最先進的Drag-n-Vu直觀易懂使用者介面,以滑鼠拖曳方式完成分流規則設定,以及and/or/not的條件邏輯判斷過濾封包內容。
網路埠介面方面,最多可同時安裝4個1/10G模組(4 port),與1個10/40G模組(2 port),最大port數支援4x 10G + 14x 1G、或2x 10G + 16x 1G,或2x 40G +16 1/10G的光或電介面,可設定成Network TAP,Network Packet Broker或Bypass Switch,各界面之間的分流設定亦支援Any-to-Any,以及封包過濾功能,是業界中少見同時具備性能與彈性的網路分流設備。
SmartNA-X / XL是Network Criticals的最新一代 全模組式、可以照需求設定並提供網路能見度的TAP解決方案,能讓流量由一或多個全雙工的網路輸入port,傳送到多個監控或資安工具上,進行分析。
The SmartNA-X / XL 1U chassis 是目前市場上最彈性功能的機箱之一,最大可以安裝4+1個模組在同一個1U的空間中,並可同時搭載Network TAP與NPB模組。

SmartNA-X 前視圖

SmartNA-XL 前視圖
The SmartNA-X/XL 1U chassis 可以安裝最多8個Link的TAP,並將流量匯聚及過濾後,複製到一個或多個監控埠,或將一個TAP或多個網路來源埠流量,複製給其他14個監控埠,因為每一個TAP模組可以完全經由設定達到需要input匯聚、複製與分流、封包過濾與output輸出,亦可對多個輸出埠做load balance等功能。機箱上有獨立的MGMT(OAM)管理介面,可提供WEB GUI或Telnet指令模式操作,以及獨立的Console埠,方便使用者管理。
The SmartNA-X/XL chassis 支援4+1個獨立模組,模組分為TAP/NPB/Bypass三種模組,並具備熱抽換、軟體控制設定功能。模組介面方面,支援電介面(copper)、單模光纖(single mode)、多模光纖(multi-mode)、以及SFP/SFP+ 插槽。速度方面,紅色模組SNA-X支援10G SFP+光纖,SNA-XL支援1/10G SFP/SFP+光纖與10GSFP+Cu電介面;藍色模組則支援1Gbps,包括10/100/1000BASE-T或1G SFP+ 銅纜或光纖;第五個模組插槽位於後方,SNA-X支援2x 10G SFP+埠,SNA-XL支援2x 40G QSFP+埠。模組上的埠可以自訂為網路埠或工具埠,將網路上TAP或Mirror進來的流量複製給監控工具使用。
所有模組皆支援圖形化Web設定,以拖曳方式設定分流規則,以及封包輸出過濾,讓被複製的流量在同一模組、或跨模組傳輸,以符合監控工具的流量需要。TAP/NPB模組可以設定為breakout TAP、aggregating TAP、SPAN aggregator、SPAN regenerator、filtering TAP等幾種形式或其組合使用。
Network Critical的fail-safe技術讓TAP Switch不會成為網路故障點,即使在TAP斷電的情況下,流量仍然可以通過TAP,而不影響網路運作。
Bypass模組則可以搭配inline架構的監控工具使用,支援使用Heartbeat封包對Inline工具的健康狀態檢查,當Inline工具斷電或當機時,能夠自動切入bypass模式,並在inline工具恢復正常時,自動恢復inline模式。Bypass模組亦可設定為Egress模式,對輸出的封包做Packet Slicing縮減封包長度,讓不需要分析payload內容的監控工具,減輕負載提高分析效率。
SmartNA-X 模組可以熱抽換,比起其他同級產品更具備使用上更彈性的優點,一旦您部署了Smart Network Access X 系統在您的網路中,您能夠更經濟地、無中斷地變更您的網路組態。
Network Critical | Making Everyone the Expert | Network Monitoring
- 業界率先可以輕易在 web UI上用滑鼠點擊托放的方式,設定流量輸出入端口分流圖。
- 具備TAP與Bypass模組,支援Fail-safe ports 提供斷電bypass迴路(fail open),並可針對inline工具提供斷線防護功能。
- 流量複製、匯聚功能。
- 進階的封包過濾功能。
- 能將輸入封包複製至多份輸出。
- 彈性的輸出入端口對應圖設定。
- SSL 安全的管理介面。
- 同時具備1G、10G與40G 模組選項。
- 支援 SNMP 網管遠端監控,與主動告警機制。
- 保護機敏資料,支援Protocol Striping、Packet Slicing與遮罩Masking (需搭配PacketPro卡)。
- 本地端或經由RADIUS與TACAS+遠端認證與授權。
- 可熱插拔模組。
- 通過序列端口簡單的CLI配置管理。
- 通過網絡管理端口(MGMT)。
- 可選購雙獨立備援電源,避免電源單點失效。
- 可選-48V直流電源
- 具備Session aware的輸出端硬體負載平衡,使相同IP/TCP條件輸出至相同的埠。
- 三階層管理者權限: Administrator, Operator and Audito。
Part Number | Description |
5010 | SmartNA-X Chassis: (2) 10GbE SFP+ Rear Ports, (1) 1&10GbE Module Slots, (3) 1GbE Module Slots. Management: (1) Serial Console Port (CLI) and (1) LAN Management Port (CLI and web GUI) |
5011 | SmartNA-X Chassis: (1) 1&10GbE Module Slot, (1) 10GbE Rear Slot, (3) 1GbE Module Slots. Management: (1) Serial Console Port (CLI) and (1) LAN Management Port (CLI and web GUI) |
Part Number | Description |
5101 | SmartNA-X: (1) AC C14 Hot-Swap PSU for 5010 & 5011 |
5102 | SmartNA-X: (1) DC Terminal Hot-Swappable PSU for 5010 and 5011 chassis |
5201 | SmartNA-X: (1) Dual Hot-Swappable Fan |
Part Number | Description |
5501 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 10GbE SFP+ Ports & (2) 1GbE SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5502 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) Rear 10GbE SFP+ Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering - (5011 Chassis only) |
5511 | SmartNA-X Module: (4) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5521 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5522 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5523 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5524 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5531 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5543 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5544 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5545 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5546 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5090 | SmartNA-X Module: Blanking Plate |
5091 | SmartNA-X Chassis PSU Slot Blanking Plate |
MODULE OPTIONS V-LINE (Bypass Switch Module)
Part Number | Description |
5611 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module: (4) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5621 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) SX Optical, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5622 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) LX Optical, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5623 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet (2) 1GbE SFP |
5624 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) SX Optical, (2) 1GbE SFP |
5625 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) LX Optical, (2) 1GbE SFP |

- Powerful and flexible Ethernet packet slicing, header stripping and payload masking module.
- Packet slicing: truncate packets at a particular byte to remove payloads and reduce appliance workload and storage requirements.
- Header stripping: remove any tunneling protocol to obtain the un-tunneled traffic for further (filtering) processing, such as GRE, GTP(U/C), RTP, VN-Tag, MPLS.
- Payload masking: erase any part of the packet payload for analysis or archiving without the sensitive contents.
- User-configured customisable packet modifications.
- Simple modular extension to SmartNA-X system.
- Configurable as 2x10G, or 4x1G line-rate full duplex parallel processing engines.
- Ultimate optimisation of network security or monitoring appliances.
- Leverage existing appliance investment.
- Allow easy filtering, aggregation, and load balancing of packets with headers removed.
- Key enabler for compliance with regulations such as SOX, HIPAA and PCI-DSS.
- Visibility into tunneled or protocol-encapsulated flows.
- Eliminate the need for additional expensive monitoring tools to decipher protocols.
- Future-proof solution:1G & 10G configurations.
- Efficient, cost-effective and practical NPMD enhancement.
- Process traffic from integrated TAPs, Bypass TAPs, SPAN ports, and NPBs.
- 業界率先可以輕易在 web UI上用滑鼠點擊托放的方式,設定流量輸出入端口分流圖。
- 具備TAP與Bypass模組,支援Fail-safe ports 提供斷電bypass迴路(fail open),並可針對inline工具提供斷線防護功能。
- 流量複製、匯聚功能。
- 進階的封包過濾功能。
- 能將輸入封包複製至多份輸出。
- 彈性的輸出入端口對應圖設定。
- SSL 安全的管理介面。
- 同時具備1G、10G與40G 模組選項。
- 支援 SNMP 網管遠端監控,與主動告警機制。
- 保護機敏資料,支援Protocol Striping、Packet Slicing與遮罩Masking (需搭配PacketPro卡)。
- 本地端或經由RADIUS與TACAS+遠端認證與授權。
- 可熱插拔模組。
- 通過序列端口簡單的CLI配置管理。
- 通過網絡管理端口(MGMT)。
- 可選購雙獨立備援電源,避免電源單點失效。
- 可選-48V直流電源
- 具備Session aware的輸出端硬體負載平衡,使相同IP/TCP條件輸出至相同的埠。
- 三階層管理者權限: Administrator, Operator and Audito。
Part Number | Description |
5010 | SmartNA-X Chassis: (2) 10GbE SFP+ Rear Ports, (1) 1&10GbE Module Slots, (3) 1GbE Module Slots. Management: (1) Serial Console Port (CLI) and (1) LAN Management Port (CLI and web GUI) |
5011 | SmartNA-X Chassis: (1) 1&10GbE Module Slot, (1) 10GbE Rear Slot, (3) 1GbE Module Slots. Management: (1) Serial Console Port (CLI) and (1) LAN Management Port (CLI and web GUI) |
Part Number | Description |
5101 | SmartNA-X: (1) AC C14 Hot-Swap PSU for 5010 & 5011 |
5102 | SmartNA-X: (1) DC Terminal Hot-Swappable PSU for 5010 and 5011 chassis |
5201 | SmartNA-X: (1) Dual Hot-Swappable Fan |
Part Number | Description |
5501 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 10GbE SFP+ Ports & (2) 1GbE SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5502 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) Rear 10GbE SFP+ Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering - (5011 Chassis only) |
5511 | SmartNA-X Module: (4) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5521 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5522 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5523 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5524 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5531 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ports & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5543 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5544 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (optical patch leads) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5545 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-SX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5546 | SmartNA-X Module: (2) 1000BASE-LX Ports LC (50:50 optical splits) & (2) SFP Ports, Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration/Filtering |
5090 | SmartNA-X Module: Blanking Plate |
5091 | SmartNA-X Chassis PSU Slot Blanking Plate |
MODULE OPTIONS V-LINE (Bypass Switch Module)
Part Number | Description |
5611 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module: (4) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5621 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) SX Optical, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5622 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) LX Optical, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet |
5623 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) 10/100/1000 Ethernet (2) 1GbE SFP |
5624 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) SX Optical, (2) 1GbE SFP |
5625 | SmartNA-X V-Line Module, (2) LX Optical, (2) 1GbE SFP |

- Powerful and flexible Ethernet packet slicing, header stripping and payload masking module.
- Packet slicing: truncate packets at a particular byte to remove payloads and reduce appliance workload and storage requirements.
- Header stripping: remove any tunneling protocol to obtain the un-tunneled traffic for further (filtering) processing, such as GRE, GTP(U/C), RTP, VN-Tag, MPLS.
- Payload masking: erase any part of the packet payload for analysis or archiving without the sensitive contents.
- User-configured customisable packet modifications.
- Simple modular extension to SmartNA-X system.
- Configurable as 2x10G, or 4x1G line-rate full duplex parallel processing engines.
- Ultimate optimisation of network security or monitoring appliances.
- Leverage existing appliance investment.
- Allow easy filtering, aggregation, and load balancing of packets with headers removed.
- Key enabler for compliance with regulations such as SOX, HIPAA and PCI-DSS.
- Visibility into tunneled or protocol-encapsulated flows.
- Eliminate the need for additional expensive monitoring tools to decipher protocols.
- Future-proof solution:1G & 10G configurations.
- Efficient, cost-effective and practical NPMD enhancement.
- Process traffic from integrated TAPs, Bypass TAPs, SPAN ports, and NPBs.
CGS NPB-Ie8 1 /10 /25 /40 /100G 網路流量複製器|導流器◆48埠1/10/25G, 8埠40/100G
◆動態負載平衡、Standby Port
◆全線速Packet Slicing
◆全線速MAC Replacement
◆GRE Tunneling跨網段輸出封包
◆支援Inline Bypass Tool Chain -
ProfiTAP XX-720G /1800G /2800G 1/10/40/100G 網路流量複製器◆具48埠1/10/25G,6埠40/100G
◆License啟用埠,節省初期成本支出 -
Niagara 3808E 混合型模組式1/10/25/40/100G網路流量複製器|分流器◆支援最高4-8線路旁路線路
◆故障保護光學技術 (<50ms)
◆Tool Chain可串接多台inline工具
◆WEB GUI管理解面